Celebrating life that comes from water /Celebrando a vida que vem da água

English below!

A água é uma das principais fontes de vida para os seres vivos e a raça humana celebra esse elemento há séculos através das fontes ornamentais.

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Originalmente, as fontes eram puramente funcionais, fornecendo água potável às cidades, mas logo passaram a ser ornamentadas com imagens de pedra ou metal. Com o aprimoramento da tecnologia, a água passou a ser oferecida diretamente nas casas mas, mesmo assim, fontes continuaram a ser construídas em espaços públicos, tamanha a nossa alegria em ver a água brotar.

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O fascínio que essa peça de arquitetura continua exercendo a cada geração sempre se renova. Nos dias de hoje, a jovem artista polonesa Malgorzata Chodakowska surpreende nossos olhos integrando a água em suas esculturas de tal maneira que enche de vida até mesmo materiais tão rígidos como o metal e a pedra.

Water is one of the main sources of life for all living beings and for centuries human race celebrates this element with ornamental fountains.

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Originally, fountains were merely functional, providing drinking water to cities, but soon they became ornamented with images in stone or metal. With the improvement of technology, water became offered directly at home but, even though, fountains continued to be built in public space, such is our joy to see water spring.

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The fascination this piece of architecture has over generations always renews itself. Nowadays, young polish artist Malgorzata Chodakowska surprises our eyes integrating water in her sculptures in such a manner that fills with life even the most rigid materials like metal or stone.

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4 comentários sobre “Celebrating life that comes from water /Celebrando a vida que vem da água

  1. Great piece!!! and bravo to M. Chodakowska for his great works of art. I like that he chose the “female” to bear the waters for him…after all, women brings forth Life-and her womb is filled with water to support the child within. Great gigantic ships of steel n metal that screams masculinity-are refered to as “she” suggesting the ship is female…women and water givers of life. Enjoyable video/piano music…


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